Sunday, November 25, 2018

Thanksgiving Week

On Tuesday, I picked Kate and Ty up early from school to drive to Columbus, Ohio for my great Aunt Nina's funeral. Aunt Nina was the youngest sibling of my maternal grandfather and much like the baby of all families, she was confident, strong, a little feisty and exceptionally loved. I have only fond memories of her even though most of them occurred in hospitals as she was often there when I was visiting my grandfather all those years he battled for his health. She was not only someone who could carry on a variety of conversations but she had a way of listening to you that lead you to believe you were the most important person in the room. She carried herself with grace and strength until the end when she declared she was ready to be with Jesus. The fact one of her ex-husbands and a boyfriend were in attendance at her funeral was a testament to her slightly more ornery side. Just in September, she disappeared on an RV trip with that boyfriend and scared her kids to death. When I am 84, I aspire to live as fully as Aunt Nina did.

I don't know if you have heard, but according to my son, Aunt Theresa's house has no rules. So obviously, this is his favorite place. The boys have cool video games and love basketball. In Ty's mind, this is right up there with Disney World. Needless to say, no visit is ever long enough for him (or Kate either) so they campaign for additional time every visit. The results usually end with someone driving to Lexington to meet someone else with the kids in order to retrieve them. This trip was no different. Makenna and Noah returned to the highway Saturday to meet at Donato's, which only sweetened the deal as we don't have one any closer than Lexington, and brought the kids back with them. It is a little crazy we indulge this but at the same time, I love the relationships the cousins have formed.
Because we were on the road both Tuesday and Wednesday for the funeral, Theresa prepared Thanksgiving this year. I was still able to roast the turkey and bring some pies but otherwise took the year off. It was a nice change of pace!
After she woke, she was in full southern Momma mode and threatened to beat the children who were fussing at each other in the backyard. My sister, shocked by the outburst demanded to know who woke her. We were all laughing because nothing about this was altogether unusual in our house but apparently a side of Erin she had not yet had the privilege of meeting.  (For the record, Erin hasn't beat anyone. Ever. She just enjoys pulling out her southern accent for effect.)
The guys had football games going while the rest of us enjoyed a gorgeous day on Theresa's enclosed porch. We couldn't have requested better weather. The conversations never lulled and the laughter continued for hours. It was a great day together.

My dad and I exchange lines from old shows frequently and this one makes the rounds every Thanksgiving because we are classy like that. When I saw this tee shirt, I knew he had to have it and ordered it immediately. He was as delighted receiving it as I was giving it.

Our grandson met Santa this weekend and was mesmerized by him. It appears Santa was a bit smitten too.
I took the girls out for small business Saturday while Greg yelled at the Ohio State game. We kept tabs on the score while we were out to determine when it would be safe to return home. Thank you Buckeyes for not ruining an otherwise gorgeous weekend.
Today, I had my final scheduled photo shoot after church while Greg smoked chicken thighs. We decorated last night and I am still tweaking today but Kate couldn't wait any longer to have twinkle lights displayed.  I scaled back my decorating once again. I just crave more simplicity. However, Greg looked around and asked if we needed four nativity sets. Silly man. Each one of them is sentimental so yes, we do in fact NEED them all.

I scaled back the tiny, all white nativity set to just the holy family on the mantle. Erin's stocking is in storage and she says she isn't digging it out so she will be given a gift bag of goodies this year.
Two nativity sets are displayed on the entertainment center. One is my original Willow Tree and the other was my grandma's. On the bookcase, I am displaying the one my mom always had. She gave it to me for Christmas last year. And anyone who knows me, knows it wasn't displayed for more than a minute because I put away all decor on Christmas Day.

I still love the simplicity of my little tree. Whereas I no longer have little ones here every day to get into a larger tree, Austin will be here next month and is quite mobile now. And....Erin's cat Ada will likely do enough damage on this scale.

The kids each decorated their own trees and added a string of lights around their windows. It was a pretty cozy scene when I looked in on them in the night. There is something gentle about little lights in the gray days of the season. 

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