Thursday, September 20, 2018

Dare to Dream

So many people have asked what I plan to do next. After I help Lauren paint her house so she can move to Texas (tears will totally be involved), I honestly don't know. I have a list of criteria I would love to make work. The dream job has me serving a need in the community, would allow me to work from 8-2 every week day only and not have me planted behind a desk. Ideally,  I would have flexibility to also work out being Ty's classroom mom and have time off when the kids are in town. I want my cake and I want to eat it too which is pretty funny when you consider I don't actually eat cake. Well, unless it's Kate's carrot cake made from scratch with her incredible cream cheese frosting. I totally cheat on my diet and eat a small piece of that with a healthy dose of motrin to help ward off the pending headache that is sure to follow. I pray my lack of willpower is not a sign of character weakness because there are some treats I am willing to literally make myself sick indulging. But I digress.......

I will continue praying God opens the right door and have faith He will. And to all my friends telling me I need to take time off to just husband objects because he knows I can't and will drive everyone crazy with my creative energy. More than a few days off will equal rearranged furniture, painted surfaces and most likely a whole lot of shopping.

I have started hearing from friends and acquaintances who have seen photos I have taken and think it might be time to start charging for that service. Since I refuse to use photoshop, I don't consider myself professional so I feel a bit like a fraud for charging. I am just a mom who likes chasing light with her camera. But just maybe this is part of that dream job God is still revealing to me. Time and God will tell.

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