Sunday, July 15, 2018

Celebrating Weekend

I made labels for birthday items (hutt dogs, luke sky-water, jedi juice, may the forks be with you, etc) Ty created another one and added it after I thought I was finished, "choose your weapon well,  young padawan". He put it in front of the inflatable light sabers.

I invited all the parents to stay and hang out with us. All declined. Hmmm......As it turns out, we had a great time. Ty says it was the best birthday ever. He lost a tooth during the party and was pretty excited about it too. The tooth fairy failed to show up both Friday night and Saturday night. She apparently made a magical appearance during church today. All four girls were pretty shocked she made daytime stops. The tooth fairy is tired and obviously forgetful.

We spent Saturday on a friend's boat and loved it.  I went tubing with Kate. I managed to stay on the tube despite our friend's best efforts to toss me off. Getting out of bed for church today was no easy task. As it turns out, I really am 44. But this year has been a blast watching Ty. We went from hanging out on the ladders in pools last year to jumping off boats and loving the water this year.

In other news, I took Kate shopping for both a bathing suit and jeans today. Good news. We all survived. Barely.

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