Thursday, June 28, 2018


I walked into Ty's room and his robot, Max started screaming, "intruder alert!" Alarms went off and I jumped clean out of my skin. Ty's laughter from down the hall was barely heard over Max. I was still on my first cup of tea. I suspect I should be spiking it.

The scientist told them to cover their ears because the liquid nitrogen was under pressure and when it blew the ping pong balls out of the trash can it would be loud. It was so cool!

I took Ty and a classmate of his to the Science Center for the day. These boys were mesmerized by exhibits for hours, stopping only for a sandwich. Their curiosity was endless and their chatter was adorable. Well, it was until my son out of the blue informed his friend his father smacks his mom on the butt all the time. I pretended not to hear and wondered what the boy tells people when I am not listening. As it stands, I prefer to not know.

My neighbor text just after Greg went to bed begging for his assistance removing an unwanted visitor off her patio. Greg hopped up and jumped into action like the super hero he is. The snake was not pleased and I was cool with it until that thing flipped around and attempted to strike my husband's face. The old man has quicker reflexes than he thought! Praise God.

Lauren and Taylor had photos taken in June with both sets of Taylor's parents. I adore the results. I happen to be pretty smitten with this little family of three.

However, these facials crack me up. There is no denying this kid has my DNA which includes the inability to produce a poker face. Austin has some strong opinions in his wise old age of three months!

Four years ago, my optometrist informed me that at age 40 I was standing on the edge of a cliff. He assured me the descent would be rapid and my vision would no longer be perfect. He was a real Prince Charming, that doctor. However, I had more time than he predicted but I am now officially an old lady in need of progressive lenses. I appreciate them immensley after only a day with them on my face as I can clearly read my phone, a book and still look at the people in my life.

The other day, Ty stepped on a scale and declared he was up to 58 pounds even though he hasn't eaten much his whole life. Erin quipped back, "congratulations Buddy. You are barely above the Failure to Thrive Threshold". He accepted her comment as a compliment.

Greg spent two hours in an oral surgeon's chair on Monday having a broken tooth extracted. Allegedly, it was supposed to take approximately eight minutes. Because it had a root canal performed on it, our dentist declined to perform the procedure so he ended up at the dental school. Greg is still sore today and Erin would like to smack the residents who had the nerve to thank her for trusting them with her dad.

Makenna wrapped up two final Newsies performances in Nebraska at The International Thespian Festival on Tuesday. She is in serious need of recovery time after this last month of theatre commitments. Have I mentioned how ready we all are to see that chapter of her life close? We are anxious to have our kid home Sunday. When informed she would be required to return on Monday to unload the semi trucks carrying the set, she decided her diploma says she doesn't have to make an appearance. That girl also has my DNA; heavy on the sarcasm.

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