Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Big Feelings and Normal Days

Greg mowed the yard Sunday. Our neighbors shared a few choice words with him about it. Once one starts, they all have to start. It is March and no one else was ready. The yard looks great though.

I took Ty and his buddy bowling Saturday. They loved it. We followed up with ice cream and I relished in their chatter despite it being full of body function humor and silly jokes. Before I am ready, they will be graduating like their older sisters who sounded a lot like them just a few short years ago.

I then took Kate and her friend out shopping. The mall on Saturday evening is no longer comfortable for me. The girls weren't out of my sight as result.  I then took them out for Greek food. They were good sports about trying something new but neither was impressed. They didn't even like baklava! I am a little disappointed.

Greg and I met with the school on Friday to discuss our son's needs. We entered it with a lot of strong emotions and feeling defensive but left reassured he is in good hands despite Ty informing everyone he has made the decision to join his sister at the smaller school because second and third grade gets two recesses instead of one. As valid as those reasons are, his academic and emotional needs are being met where he is. We were a little stunned to discover he had in fact started saying goodbyes and believed he would start his new school after spring break.

Kate has begged for her own laundry basket for several months. I kept declining, assuring her I will not go seeking laundry and once the basket is purchased, she will be doing her own laundry. She found one she couldn't resist Sunday and Monday  I wrapped up all her laundry for the last time. I suspect the novelty will last approximately eighteen seconds. But like her sisters before her, she will learn the art of finding time in her schedule to insure she has clean, or mostly clean clothes as the case may be.

The dog is on anxiety meds and frankly the process of making adjustments to that is colorful enough I too may need medicated. Sometimes I look around and marvel at my life. Blessings often resemble chaos.

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