Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Scavenger Hunt

Today was hard. Really hard. I was awake a lot of the night and ultimately gave up before 6 and got out of bed, already fighting a tension headache. I exhausted all my self care options and still couldn't shake the saddness that overwhelmed me. Two hours later, Ty woke ready to conquer the day. He requested a cheese omelette for breakfast and then complimented the one I made him as perfect but "doesn't smell like wet dog". Um thank you? He is unique.
Three of us had eye exams today. The new assistant asked Ty how many times a day someone compliments his beautiful eyes. He sighed deeply and moaned, "it happens every day". He is as humble as his father and equally as amusing.

Ty concocted a plan for our scavenger hunt tonight. This year, instead of filling several long nights driving around seeking every last item on the list as a way to pass time while Daddy works, we challenged friends to join us for a one hour dash to locate as many items as possible. We were excited to have our local friends join us as well as friends in Texas. Ty really wanted a victory and bragging rights. He thought we should buy all the items on the list, set them up in our yard, take photos and then put all the decorations into the attic so we could win. Nothing says Merry Christmas like cheating on a scavenger hunt! By the way, our Texas friends won the hunt and did so in 78 degree weather too! The highlight was FaceTime with them afterward.

 The day was long but the end was as sweet as the hot cocoa we enjoyed with friends.

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