Friday, August 25, 2017

Recent Development

The following letter was sent in response to a teacher requesting proof beyond my signature of completed homework this week. That note came home the day it was confirmed I broke both wrists rather than just my right one. Life has been challenging, to say the least.
Hi ladies, first thank you for the investment you are making in the lives of these boys. I recently attempted to teach them how to help me clean the bathrooms and left that grueling experience convinced teachers will have the most jewels in their crowns in heaven. I am in awe. I am reaching out to make you aware I fell and broke both of my wrists last week. I am promising I will continue reading with the boys, we are working through math facts and word study words. My lofty goals of healthy food around our dinner table, daily showers and mostly groomed children remain in tact despite the challenges of living a busy life with a house full of children. My signature looks like forgery and if discipline letters were sent home, forgery has in fact occurred. :) I am simply letting you know I am winging a lot these days. Sticks and stones creating spelling words will not be making the cut, nor will photographs of children laying on their backs using their legs to form words. I appreciate the attempt to make learning fun and am enjoying the math games but again, proof of practice will be arriving in the form of an ugly signature. Please call or email me with any questions or concerns. Again,  thank you for all you do for Ty and Benjamin. Sherri Baughman
Both teachers were gracious and I am grateful. Plan B involved sticks and stones being used to spell out an unkind response. Sarcasm is my primary language and I have teetered delicately between laughter and tears frequently these last days. Those anxious feelings don't often reflect my more gentle side. No mom has time for something like this but I have been blessed with wonderful friends, understanding families who have found themselves seeking alternative childcare and a pretty great husband who feeds me well. I am no theologian but it appears God said, "rest".

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