Friday, June 9, 2017

Week in Review

 Ty declared the elephant was smiling, much to the entertainment of those around us.

The weather this week could not have been more perfect. We have had the windows open and enjoyed being outside almost constantly. A day at the zoo, a morning at the orchard, front porch swinging, hiking with picnics and an afternoon stacking firewood for spontaneous bonfires filled our days. Of course we had to make sure the new firewood worked that evening. Marshmallow tested and kid approved.

Makenna's report card arrived. She earned all A's except for one B and three comments about being a class leader with a few about her positive attitude left us questioning whose report card we actually received. Just kidding. Obviously we are proud of her accomplishments this year. She is adjusting to her new job and the scent of Subway bread once again fills my van as it did back in Erin's Subway days.
He stole this bone from Layla who originally stole it from Lauren's dogs. No one had the nerve to take it away from the grumpy old man and he shocked us when he decided to gnaw on it for a bit. It has been awhile since the old boy has swiped anything. He is currently on three medications and specialized food in hopes of aiding in his dementia and anxiety symptoms. He bit a small child last week which rocked me to my core. Brutus has never bit anyone for any reason and this bite was totally unprovoked. The child was fine and his parents were more than understanding but the escalation in his dementia has broken our hearts. He now gets to spend his days in our bedroom when small children are in the house. Watching him age has been beyond hard on us.
Layla is going through withdrawals after the mass exit of Lauren's fur babies earlier this week. She loved the rough housing and endless playtime. When they left, Layla attempted to go with them. My son-in-law nixed her plan pretty quickly. That guy is smart because as innocent as she may appear in this moment, she isn't!

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