Friday, June 16, 2017
So the week was anything but easy. We worked hard to make it as normal as possible. Ty attended VBS. Kate helped our friend teach preschool camp. On the final day, she dressed for the theme "trolls" much to the delight of her tiny friends.
On Tuesday Kate had her annual eye exam. We discovered her vision is much worse than last year with damage from October's concussion. New lenses have been ordered with special (read expensive) protection to aid in helping her eyes relax. If this doesn't help, she will require vision therapy. Tuesday was not our day.
Oliver came home from the vet Thursday evening with instructions to be contained in a small space, prevent him from getting up on furniture to avoid falls and keep our home as stress free as possible. Realistic? Nope. But as he regained his footing and grew more comfortable we saw noted improvement. He made a break for the stairs within hours of his arrival and I woke to him on my bed Friday morning. He needs antibiotic twice a day for a week. As result, Makenna looks like she lost a battle with Edward Scissorhands and we have both worn more than he has consumed. All indications are he will be fine even though it is still unclear what happened.
Layla is breaking our hearts. She is so sad and lacks her usual zest for life. As crazy as it sounds, I miss her antics. We had to prematurely remove Brutus' bed and food bowls because Layla kept smelling them and then frantically searching our house and yard for her best friend. We all miss him.
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