Thursday, October 13, 2016

Fall Break Weekend #2

I accidentally purchased Reese Nutrageous bars instead of the traditional Reese cups for our gourmet smore bar Saturday night. At first we were disappointed but then we tried one. No one is mad. We may have just discovered a new favorite candy bar.

Reluctant teens in photos sometimes make fine photographers. Thanks Makenna!

Ty had a buddy spend the night Friday night.  At one point the entire family overheard Ty enthusiastically invite Gavin to play outside. Gavin countered, "or we could read a book." Ty stared blankly. They eventually settled on Legos in Ty's room but once they left, we all busted out laughing. One of them is a prodigy. The other is my son.

Greg went on a hunting trip. One of us got a good shot off the back deck. My approach won't put food on the table but it is the one I can appreciate participating in.

I told Lexie her recent fifth birthday means she is a whole hand full. In truth, she is pretty sweet.

The kids and I joined Greg of the first day of his hunting trip so we could see his family and then spend some time with Kristin and her boys. At the dinner table, Avry her seven year old son started a story about a beautiful girl who looked a lot like me only with fewer wrinkles.........there is a reason that one is so cute.

I was upstairs talking to Kenna and heard Ty freak out because he read the title of the book I am re-reading. To Kill A Mockingbird. I had to assure him it isn't a how-to manual.

Makenna spent Tuesday taking care of a lot of business we haven't had time to do together in quite awhile. She now has a bank account to deposit her paychecks and her driver's permit. She says she is adulting. In other news, her knee has been dislocated twice this year and all indications the brace and therapy aren't going to take care of the problem for her. We are disheartened to be starting surgical conversations with her specialist.

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