Sunday, February 21, 2016

Spring-like Weekend

Saturday was glorious.....seventy three sunny degrees and oh so good for my soul. My husband got the spring fever bug at 8:30 and this is what I discovered when I went looking for him yesterday morning. In his defense the beer was being used in the smoker but I was amused. He is crazy but that smoked stew meat in a pot of chili? Yes please.

If April showers bring May flowers then February showers bring muddy paw prints. I shared this with Anne who responded by telling me I no longer needed to mop in vain. She once again proved she is smarter than me because I have been averaging twice a day with a mop on my floors while wondering why my lower back aches. Duh.
Kate chose these $4 flowers while we waited on her prescription yesterday morning. They are perfect in my sunny kitchen window. What isn't perfect in a sunny window?

Ty created his own super hero this morning. He wears a red cape and red mask. He carries a metal flash light and magnets. He doesn't have have a name for this super hero nor does he yet know what his super power will be but it was fun to listen to his creative thought process in action.

Kate recovered rather nicely this weekend. She is still swollen and her mouth is tender but she is finding ways to eat whatever she wants and has had a good weekend.

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