Friday, February 26, 2016

A Date With Ty

Greg and I surprised Ty with a date to Build-a-Bear Workshop. He has never been to one and we recently saw superhero bears advertised. Clearly, Ty needed to go or this is just what we told ourselves. In truth, we discovered Ty would be home alone with us tonight and we decided it was a fun excuse to take him out.

When we crossed the Ohio River into Louisville, he guessed we were taking him to Aunt Theresa's because that would be the best surprise. But when we pulled into the parking lot, he identified the Build-a-Bear sign immediately and said he'd seen a commercial for it. Once I told him they have superhero bears, he excitedly exclaimed he hoped they had Batman.

We knew it's what he would choose. Shoot, look at his sweatshirt!

He answered all the questions the salesperson asked. He bought into their sales pitch add-on items but his parents (a.k.a. the people paying) politely declined 90% of them. Can we talk Build-a-Bear people? It isn't appropriate to pitch to six year old children. But we were impressed with how confident Ty was talking to the employees. Kindergarten has been good for him in this area.

Other than kissing the heart he was putting into Batman, Ty played along with all the silly instructions while building his bear. No one gets Ty's kisses. Ever.

We think he likes his new stuffed friend.


  1. What a fun date! Love his enthusiasm and confidence :)

  2. So much fun! That batman bear is pretty cute!
