Friday, January 1, 2016

New Year New Rooms

January is bringing about some changes in our lives.....what month doesn't? Lauren moved into Erin's house across town. She is excited to be gaining independence. I am pleased they chose to live with one another where I know they will drive each other crazy but also watch out for one another. There may or may not be a wager going on how soon one of them calls to say this isn't working. But.....

Lauren moving out created space for Ty to gain his own room. In fact, for the first time in sixteen years, each of our children has their own room. Kate now has the bunk bed room to herself with a few minor modifications and Ty chose OSU as his bedroom theme. Both are pleased with their choices and we no longer have room for anyone to move back home. This is what we tell ourselves anyway...

Greg and I enjoyed the process of creating the theme for Ty with lots of conversations about authentic helmet colors vs. warmer tones with a slightly more sophisticated appearance. It won't take much for anyone who knows us to guess which side of that argument each one of us was on. Smile. In the end, the look is something we are both proud of. Ty loves it and we think he will grow up with this room as the theme isn't juvenile.

Kate's room will likely need some more grown up touches in the near future as middle school is on the horizon in the fall. But for now, it is a sweet space for a sweet girl.

The makeover took so long, Ty grew impatient with us and created his own "house" in the living room. It took enough time, his house got a makeover and addition before we wrapped up. He begged to sleep in the box and I questioned once again our wisdom in providing a new memory foam mattress for this boy who often insists he's comfortable sleeping on the floor or in cardboard boxes. The kid is weird. 


  1. Ty's room is sharp! And I am sure Kate is enjoying her new space. Cant wait to see them in person

  2. That looks fantastic! I think Greg must have a masters degree in painting that room now ;) Great work team. It's been amazing to watch you send off your girl's and I can't believe you are mentioning middle school... I am excited for you all in this next chapter.

  3. Ty's room is aweeeeeesommmmme!!!!!! You and Greg both need to come visit and help us redecorate some rooms to Crimson and Gray vs Builder's Blech!!!!! You might want to wait until the Bluebonnet's bloom though .... at least for that short period of time this weird are/state is tolerable ... sometimes if we're lucky, it actually tiptoes across the beauty line into glorious category. We have room for the whole family and a grill out back that's calling Greg's name - LOL!
