Friday, January 22, 2016


Complaint of the day goes to Ty who whined, "MOM! My hot chocolate is hot". For real.  There was a second place winner though. Me. The kids spent more time layering up than the actually playing outside. They created more laundry than I thought reasonable and then they believed they needed hot chocolate every time they stepped outside. I considered peppermint schnapps for mine by the end of round two but it was eleven in the morning and mothers of cooped-up kids should pace themselves, obviously.

Greg only cat-napped between multiple calls from employees claiming they couldn't come into work tonight. He's prepared for a very long weekend but we are clinging to the hope we will still get some family time despite the forecast. Time will tell.

There are blessings though. Makenna is baking cookies because we can't have enough of those during winter storms, apparently. And we have sleep-overs, Legos, games and lots of wet gloves to keep us distracted too. 
 Snow days are beautiful in multiple ways.


  1. I cant believe you gave that boy "hot" hot chocolate :)
    Looks like a fun day where multiple memories were made....
