Tuesday, August 18, 2015

I Live In A Zoo

Layla is still ornery and I don't suppose she will be outgrowing it anytime soon. She is sweet and doing much better than expected given what we rescued her from; however, there are times I could pull my hair out dealing with her. One day she was laying at my feet in the front yard while I watched the girls play on scooters. All of the sudden I noted Layla was eating something strange and dirt was flying all over the yard. It was a small shrub. She plucked it right out of the landscape and ate it! I was yelling, "why, just why???" as she rolled around the yard as happy as a clam. She feels no guilt. Ever. Devyn redeemed my mood by saying she could see the "not the plant". As in, she could see the hole where a plant used to be! I think a mum may replace it but the hole is nice too. Or not.

Oliver loves my tea bag wrappers and begs for them every morning as I make my tea. I have wadded up tea wrappers hidden throughout my house. He likes to play with them in the middle of the night, tormenting the people who live here as well as the dogs. There was a time they would all be up to greet us in the morning but with Oliver's late night shenanigans, the dogs are too tired to play in the mornings. He's pretty and sweet but has a crazy side too but we only see it when we would rather sleep.

Brutus will be eleven next month. The girls call him Papa Brutus and he's as grumpy as any old man on the planet. He has playful inclinations every once in a while but overall, he just sleeps and whines. He is having a minor surgery this week to deal with the gum disease that has inflamed his entire mouth. We were concerned about the procedure given his age but six months of antibiotics failed to help him. He will feel much better once it's taken care of and blood work revealed he is in excellent health despite his age. I just wish our vet bills at least contributed toward our annual deductibles if we can't claim them on our health insurance.

So as you can imagine, my house is full of hair; people hair and pet hair. I spend an exorbitant amount of time cleaning floors and dusting furniture to contain it all. My vacuum needs cleaned regularly because it is bound full of hair.  The little people in my house along with the animals create a lot of cleaning opportunities. Ahem. The sliding glass door gets cleaned daily and you wouldn't know it. The floors are dust mopped twice a day and the effects remain for minutes, not hours. I am fighting an uphill battle. Two friends have pushed me to investigate the latest home sale craze: Norwex. I priced it and decided it wasn't for me. I would stick with my Shalee, thank you very much. Then one of my friends showed me this video. I was at that point paying attention. She then gave me a travel size enviro cloth. I loved it when I cleaned my home. My second friend then loaned me her polishing cloth and my windows and appliances shined like new.....seriously. It took no muscle work. I used water and the cloths only. My house didn't have that "I just cleaned" smell and it looked amazing in less than half the time I typically spend cleaning. I placed an order and don't mind cleaning my house now that it takes so little time and effort. I would have just shaved everyone but there were strong objections.


  1. "He is as grumpy as any old man on the planet" paired with that picture of Brutus had me rolling.
    and is the cat in the dol house?

  2. I literally just spent an hour yesterday unwinding my hair from the vacuum's roller. I am not amused with my human shedding.

  3. I literally just spent an hour yesterday unwinding my hair from the vacuum's roller. I am not amused with my human shedding.

  4. I literally just spent an hour yesterday unwinding my hair from the vacuum's roller. I am not amused with my human shedding.
