Sunday, May 17, 2015

Another Full May Weekend

Makenna was inducted into the Thespian Society this weekend. She thoroughly enjoyed the banquet where cheesecake was served before dinner. This sounds like my kind of banquet!

Kate preparing cupcakes for her party with Lauren

Kate's birthday was celebrated. A few of her classmates came over to decorate aprons and cupcakes together. The plan was to provide the entire class with a treat on Monday, but school rules prohibit handmade goodies so store bought cookies will be sent instead. The girls were able to take packages of sweet treats home to share with their families.We called this year's party, "Kate's Cupcake Shoppe".
photo credit Makenna

Ty was still pretty sick right up until Kate's party started. The poor kid was barely tolerating ice cream and yogurt. He really wanted to play Mine-craft on Saturday when his sister headed out to play and decided he needed to teach me how to play too. Keep in mind, I have never even handled an iPod and don't care to learn. This is a problem because my four year old refurbished Blackberry is on it's last leg and I am technologically inept. He gave up on me two minutes into my lesson.
I took Lauren and Taylor to the grocery with me and Taylor found these Mega Peanut M&M's. Greg maintains they are diet M&M's because there are fewer in the bag. Um??? For the record, it's never a good idea to take teenagers to the grocery.

This old guy has been running around a lot more like a puppy lately; a puppy with an old man attitude.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like she had a very fun birthday :) I am so glad that Ty is feeling better. And next time there is a banquet that serves cheesecake before dinner (or in place of dinner for that matter) I want to be invited. So happy for Makenna!
