Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas

We had ourselves a merry little Christmas this year. Mom and Dad drove over yesterday and spent the night  to help us celebrate. We enjoyed a tea party, lots of sweets and an amazing dinner. Before church, we put reindeer food in the yard and had a dance party Ty refused to participate in. I asked him what he was going to do if a pretty girl asked him to dance some day and he simply said he'd tell her no. Dad got tickled and wished him luck with that approach.

When we arrived at church Ty asked when we were going to start the fire which sounded far more alarming than he intended. We woke him when it was time to light the candles and sing Silent Night. He would have been quite disappointed if he'd missed it while taking a little Christmas Eve nap. Having him curled in my lap was perfect.

Justin: Mom, how appropriate is it for me to give you a gift in a Victoria Secret bag?
Me: Are you serious? That would be highly inappropriate.
Justin: Um Mom, can I borrow a gift bag?

Erin was our early riser this year and woke the little ones so we could open gifts at six. Her energy was great fun and we hope the remaining teens forgive her soon. Ty was pretty excited as he woke us. "Santa came!"

Mom and Dad hit the road around the time Justin and Erin headed to his family's gathering and Lauren went to work. Greg napped early since UPS needed him throughout the night and he will be returning for an early shift tonight as well. The house has been restored and all evidence of Christmas is packed away in the attic because I am a bit manic about the clutter once the packages are opened. But if you know me, you already know that. Merry Christmas friends.

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