Friday, November 21, 2014

About this Week

Ty drug me into his room to play house Wednesday. Playing house is challenging when you have a real house to run. Playing anything with Ty is challenging when he wants you to play a specific role because all his imaginary people say and do very determined things. I fail to follow the unwritten script and upset the game often. He literally says, "we need to pause the game so I can tell you what to say next". He's bossy. So as I was being prodded down the hallway where I was to sit in Ty's room, in the far corner and "stay home" while he went to school with a loaded backpack of the most unusual school supplies I have ever seen, I was told that being the mom meant I just said no to candy. Don't I wish.

Lauren took Ty to McDonald's this week to pick up her schedule. Ty rode along because he loves outings with the girls, no matter how simple. Ty asked for a Dr. Pepper when they arrived and Lauren told him Mom would be mad. He looked her square in the eyes and said, "So! You are a grown up now!" She cracked up and has teased me with that line a few times this week.

We have a thankful poster mounted on the fridge this month. I started it with a few notes about things I am thankful for and the family followed my lead. Even Justin has written a few sweet contributions like "this family". And then there's Makenna who added, "tall guys that smell good".

Makenna rides to school most mornings with the neighbor boys. Brandon started playing Christmas music this week on the way to school. Makenna text me saying she was going to throw herself out of the car. I sent her a dozen different Christmas carols in response. After a period of silence she sent back, "I hate you." Have a Holly Jolly Christmas, Miss. Grinch.


  1. I'm with Makenna on both fronts ~ Christmas music drives me absolutely insane, unless it is Christmas hymns sung at church. And I too and thankful for tall guys that smell good. LOL!!!!! Love that girl!!!!

  2. Kenna - LOL! If you just give me your kiddoes for a week, they'll appreciate you so much more! I am so ready to jump full throttle into Christmas!
    Ty ,,, he just reminds me so much of Tristan so nevermind - I probably wouldn't be much help there. His comment to Lauren is absolutely Hilarious!!!!!
