Tuesday, August 26, 2014

These kids

Ty's decided he is allergic to storms. This weekend he was heard stating, "you know I am allergic to thunder so I can't get my jammies on". Or, "don't forget I am allergic to storms for 100 days". He's also gotten creative in his avoidance of Sunday school. On the way this weekend, he announced he felt a cold sore coming on. He then added that his throat hurt and he might be getting sick. Within the next breath, he mentioned it may not be a good idea for him to go to his class since he might get his friends sick. Ahem. Guess who was gently pushed into his classroom anyway. His mom needed to breath deeply in worship for an hour in order to best cope with any further antics.

Our freshman is not coping well with high school. Heck, the senior isn't either. High school is hard and emotions run strong. We had a face off with one that typically goes with the flow this weekend and finally reached an agreement of sorts when I requested her phone until further notice. It's funny how magical that little contraption has become. She is avoiding all responsibilities and hiding from the world. Given how social she is typically, it's tough to see her struggle. We not so gently pushed her into a class commitment this weekend too.

My sister sent a panicked text six weeks ago. "Marlo just delivered kittens under Mason's bed". I am not going to lie; I cracked up. The next thing I knew, I had agreed to take two of them for Makenna who loves kittens. They will have to be mostly outside cats since we have two who are allergic. Interestingly enough, Makenna is one of them! I don't know how I find myself in these situations but Spidey and Oliver will be coming home with us next weekend.

And now random photos of a baby I watched today. Ty was smitten and wanted to keep him. As it turns out, his Momma kind of likes him too so we had to give him back. It was a fun baby fix and we may get to see more of him in the future. Is there anything more peaceful than snuggling with a newborn?

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