Friday, July 11, 2014

Vacation Week

We spent Greg's vacation week being intentional about family time. There were large family meals for lunch, little projects completed and evenings around the bonfire where Kate and Ty collected lightening bugs for the first time. I realized I am the bedtime police and need to back off a can Kate be nine and catching lightening bugs for the FIRST time? Ty's face was full of joy and surprise each and every bug. The teens were lounging in the yard with us and every one of them commented later about his sweet face full of amazement.
Grandma Carol and Grandpa Dale gave Ty  a glo fish tank for his upcoming birthday. He's pretty pleased.

There were rainbows, a new aquarium, an anniversary date and the kids went fishing with Lauren's friends. Togetherness was the theme and we feel charged and ready for the next season in our lives called, "Back to School" even though I am still shaking my head at it's rude interruption of summer.

Under the heading of back to school, we have a big announcement. After a few conversations and a meeting with our local elementary school principal, we've enrolled Kate as a third grader. She is excited and ready to make more friends. Miss Social has lacked the daily interaction with peers she craves. After discussing her academics, petite size and social challenges with the principal, we agreed not only on a third grade placement over fourth, but on a very kind and happy teacher named Mrs. Cox. After meeting Mrs. Cox and the principal, I have wondered to an extend why I have been so opposed to public school for my little ones. This is a much happier building than the one we dealt with in Ohio. The people who work here clearly like their jobs and love the kids. I still don't appreciate testing or common core but have set aside my reservations about those issues for now. Each child is an individual and overall, I think this is the best choice for Kate.
White and dark chocolate with fruit and gluten free brownies? Yes please!

Greg and I indulged in dessert at the Melting Pot for our anniversary. It was beyond pleasant and Greg was surprised he enjoyed the experience. It was nice to linger over coffee and tea to chat about some of our big life decisions. We settled the schooling debate, made a church commitment and agreed to update my camera in one conversation. It's amazing what can be accomplished with uninterrupted conversation! At the end of our date, we were called home to perform our first fish funeral. Thankfully our son doesn't appear to be too sentimental about fish yet and eagerly flushed Princess Peach once she was scooped out of the tank.

We've had several doctor appointments and a trip to the ER without answers to Lauren's stomach issues. It's frustrating to see a teen in so much pain she can't move but not have a clue what to do about it. The medical opinions are vastly different and work in contrast of one another.

This week, Erin had to get all the vaccines I have avoided over the years because she is enrolled in a medical program. I am more than relieved I bowed out of that appointment and Justin had to be there to listen to her cry and complain about shots. He is a good guy but has had a blast laughing at her reaction to the vaccines. She is a little dramatic, to say the least. I am fairly certain I need to find a new doctor to avoid making eye contact with the staff who had to deal with that one!

Look closely and you will see a second rainbow. It was a gorgeous evening.
I renewed my commitment to eliminate sugar from my diet for a season after our anniversary date. It's been 48 long hours. That stuff is so addicting! My inflammation has been increasing despite being off grains for a full year now so I knew what I had to do. Knowing and doing are vastly different. I really want some chocolate. Really. Want. Chocolate. 

Our weekend promises to hold more of the same. We have two birthday parties, school clothes shopping, church and lunch at my favorite Cuban restaurant on the agenda. It should prove to be the perfect ending to a great week.

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