Thursday, May 29, 2014

Photo Challenge Day 2

Today's prompt was the word hands. Kate decided I should do a  handstand so she could take an awesome photo. I let her know I have never successfully completed a handstand and don't plan to try perfecting it now. She then asked me what I could do with my hands and I rattled of a list along the lines of this: clean, cook, change diapers, wipe noses, clean ears, etc. She looked me dead in the eyes and very slowly asked, "okay, what can you do with your hands that we could photograph?" I cracked up. I apparently lead an exciting life.

photo credit Kate Ryan
I didn't expect a kid's photo challenge to leave me feeling exposed or vulnerable but today's photo caught me off guard. Kate chose to photograph my hands. I have purposely guarded my hands in photos for quite a long time.  Between the inflammation and the psoriasis outbreaks, my hands are anything but beautiful. I am still unsettled but somewhat relieved. Here they are; healing at the moment but always prepping for another outbreak.
Mom's photo
Hands can be both functional and comforting. Miss Anna illustrates that beautifully. I suppose motherhood in general does too.


  1. Your hands are beautiful...and they mean so much more to your children then you probably realize. They are the hands they hold, the hands that hug them and guide them. The hands that teach them about their world. The hands that explore with them. The hands that comfort them and hold cool cloths to their feverish foreheads. The hands that play trucks with them or fix a dolls hair. The hands that cook for them. The hands that pray over them. They are beautiful hands and they are their Momma's hands.

    You know, I don't remember much about my Mom...but I do remember her hands, everything about them.

  2. Anne, your comment was so beautiful it literally brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing your perspective. I treasure you.
