Tuesday, March 11, 2014

75 Degrees!

Good Morning, Sunshine!

It would be a significant understatement to say that this was a gorgeous day. From sunrise until now, 7pm, we've soaked up sunshine and fresh air. I took the kids to the zoo along with most everyone else in the Louisville area this afternoon. We accomplished two playground stops, two snack breaks and saw less than half the exhibits but we returned home tired, dirty and happy.

This evening we enjoyed a light dinner in the fresh air and praised God for another, "I am okay but I was in an accident" call. Let me assure you those calls will sink the heart of the strongest of mothers. Lauren was the passenger in this particular fender bender and no one was injured. Thanking God.

Now if you will excuse me, I need secure all the outdoor furniture and toys because rumor has it we are in for a severe thunderstorm tonight followed by a winter storm with below zero wind chill factors tomorrow. I think Mother Nature is going through menopause.


  1. The last comment made me choke on my own breath! ROFL!!!!

  2. The sunrise pictures are beautiful - and yes, this weather is nuts!
