Our beautiful daughter finally found the courage to walk away from a destructive relationship. It was a long time coming. She's been resolved to end it for months, finally finding the strength on Friday. Her world has been shaken and she weeps but she is strong. I pray she moves forward understanding she is first a child of God and second, a daughter worthy of respect. It was not an easy season for Greg and I to allow her to learn life lessons in this relationship; Rapunzel seemingly reasonable at times. Oh how we wanted to forbid this Romeo and Juliet tragedy but knew all too well how strong this girl can be with heels firmly dug into the ground. She had to find her way out of this herself with us guiding, praying and supporting. All who love her are quietly celebrating. She deserves so much more than she settled for the last fifteen months. Now she is rebuilding damaged relationships, seeking new friendships and rediscovering who she was created to be. As painful as her journey has been, Lauren is strong and determined.
We spent Saturday Prom dress shopping. Her heart wasn't in it but there were two specialty sales we wanted to investigate. We have a general idea what direction we are going in the dress department when she makes new plans; the previous including the ex and his friends. Our prayer is she be able to transition back into youth group and quality friendships. Prom is important to her and we hope she has a good group of friends to accompany her as social engagements are high on Lauren's priority list.
Sunday the weather foiled much needed girlfriend time for me. Again. This is two weekends in a row we were supposed to travel for quality time with friends only to have the weather destroy those plans. The groundhog and I are not friends. In fact, I discovered I have a little violent streak in me when I heard he saw his shadow. Ground hog stew anyone?
Yes, I would love me some ground hog stew! ~ I too am celebrating Lauren's decision. She is deserving of so much more, and I am proud of her for walking away from that relationship!