Friday, January 17, 2014


I popped over to the school for a board meeting Tuesday night. I planned to quietly observe. My life has been too full this year to allow me time to invest in the building much and thought an hour long meeting would catch me up and frankly make feel a little better about my absence this year. I was wrong. Dead wrong. There was drama and lots of it. I left half way through with my head spinning and my stomach swimming. Our kids. They challenge us, change us and move us to fight for them at all costs. Conflicting opinions and strong words expressed. Feelings were hurt and I left challenged to understand it all. Whose side are you on? I am on my child's side. And believe me, even that doesn't clear the fog of confusion. But just as I teach my children, you can agree to disagree. You can walk away with your head held high if you express yourself with firm kindness.

Wednesday started with Lauren's phone ringing. A close companion of hers was abused by his father that morning. We talked and advised. Again, I had a conversation with the school. Whose side am I on? The child's. The situation is escalating and the parents know who is involved. I ended up with a migraine. Lauren remains tearful and shaken.

Thursday morning, we had dental appointments. Ty spent the entire half hour Kate's teeth were being cleaned talking the ear off the poor hygienist who was incredibly patient. He'd packed a very full bag of miniature figures he discussed at length. When it was his turn to climb into the chair, he willingly did so. Less than ten seconds later he declared, "wait a minute! I am not doing this!" And he was serious. Quite serious. I was firm. I was compassionate. I was certain enough discussion would gain his cooperation. I was wrong. We were unable to get home from said appointment since ice covered the roadways and ended up out to lunch, precisely the last reward my son needed for his less than cooperative attitude at the dentist. I feel as though I am walking contradiction as of late. I am doing what I need to do to keep my head above water. Barely.

Makenna's school was closed today as result of additional ice this morning. Therefore, her awards ceremony was also cancelled. She was disappointed. She should be celebrated so I suggested a special dinner together as a family tonight. She chose the mall with a friend instead. It happens. I have thick skin. The teens have added lots of layers.

It's been a yoga pant, hot tea and prayer journal kind of day. "Let your conversations be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone" Colossians 4:6 is taped to my kitchen window. I need the reminder far too often. And when that doesn't work, I can always resort to my second favorite reminder which is hanging on my menu board, "Today me will live in the moment unless it's unpleasant in which case me will eat a cookie" Cookie Monster. As I said, I am a walking contradiction.

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