Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Random tidbits

  • Lauren earned her driver's license last Friday. I love the freedom this affords me. I mean her. Nope, I really mean me. I no longer have to navigate her school, work, internship and social schedules around four extra little ones and my other children. My van will return to it's rightful parking space in the garage where it should only leave once a week for church and two times a week for groceries. I love Lauren's new license. She's still getting some laughs about the Venture. Even the man accessing her driving skills giggled about her awesome ride. She's handling it with grace. It is freedom after all.

  • A little known secret is that as soon as we pulled into Greg's mother's house on Saturday we discovered there had been a miscommunication about meal times. Dinner was a few hours away. Lauren was hungry and needed to pick up a personal item at the grocery. After getting that item, she went to my mom's house for snacks! She knew exactly where to drive for food in Ohio! I cracked up when I learned the real reason she needed to run out right after arriving.

  • If any of my homeschooling friends have some advice, I'd love to hear from you. Kate has not improved with our current online program in any area of language arts. Her reading is a full grade level behind, she cannot write or spell well but her reading comprehension is strong. She appreciates books well beyond her level when they are read to her. I am seeking alternative curriculum for second semester. The charter school is offering more of the same, all of it online. K12 was excellent when our first children were in elementary school; however, it seems to be lacking a balance of book work and computer time at this point in it's development.  Istep testing is the least of my concerns but the primary focus for K12. It's time to make a change.

  • Her math skills are excellent and I give full credit to the Montessori school for that. She has no trouble working at a fourth grade level in math so I would also like to find simple book work to keep her skills sharp. She no longer utilizes any manipulative tools and typically solves problems in her head. Once again, please share any advice.

  • The older girls have had a few snow days. Laziness prevailed and it was wonderful. Lauren has now driven in ice and snow. In fact, she took her driver's exam in the start of an ice storm and thrived. Did I mention how much I appreciate her license? Kate was rather distraught to learn our school could easily be attended in the snow. She had the snow day blues.

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