As you hustle and bustle this holiday season, please remember the people working to serve you deserve to be treated with respect. They may not be offering incredible service. They may not appear very smart or even kind. The reality is that they are putting in endless hours to meet public demand on top of leading their own lives. You have no idea what else that person is facing as they perform their minimum wage job.
My girls engaged in a healthy conversation this weekend about their jobs after Erin witnessed an elderly lady screaming at Lauren when she stopped in to see her at work. Lauren laughed it off as just another day at work but it really bothered Erin. Erin works for Subway in a poor area of town; literally in the midst of three housing projects. Friends expressed concern about letting her work there; however, she has a very healthy work environment. The customers love her and she has grown to love them too. Of course, working with the general public means there are moments that are not pleasant but overall, she really likes her job.
On the other hand, Lauren works for McDonald's in our area. It's called the "Knobs" and more so the "Snobs" by surrounding communities. She has had food thrown in her face because some one's dollar menu sandwich was mistakenly mixed up by another employee, been cussed out regularly and watched a customer throw a fist at her manager. She handles the stress and hatefulness with a lot of grace; something we'd like to see more at home.
The girls determined the people in our area believe they are superior to those who serve them and are entitled treat others poorly. I know I am going to keep their perspective in mind as I manage the chaos of the season. I tend to show stress on my face and my expressions could be interpreted as negative. Care to join me in greeting everyone this season with a smile? You just never know whose day you may brighten or whose opinion you may change about humanity.
Well said. Both of your girls handle those situations with much more maturity than I would have. And it floors me that there are people out there that would treat fast food employees that way. Totally. Unbelievable.