Saturday, October 26, 2013

This week

There were sleep overs

Devyn tired of waiting on naptime, crawled up onto the glider and promptly fell asleep. She's a cutie. 

Makenna was hit with a minor stomach bug in the middle of the night last weekend and Erin stumbled down the stairs to use the restroom. She was overheard complaining, "only in my house would there be a line for the bathroom at two o'clock in the morning!" True story.

Erin took Kate and Ty out for a big sis date for Mexican food but later complained they ordered chicken nuggets. Who orders chicken nuggets in a Mexican restaurant? They had a great time but at the end of their outing, Ty made this face asking, " Erin, is this creepy? Am I creeping you out? I'm really creepy".

I made this little pumpkin out of a book in a desperate attempt to avoid cleaning my house today. It is oh so cute, but I eventually had to clean anyway.

Ty had his flashlight out to investigate the inner workings of the garbage disposal one morning this week. 

Much to Greg's dismay, the kids are digging holes in the ground in front of his target. They also planted a tree there today! He's less than thrilled. They seem to have forgotten the purpose of the target.
Most construction workers wear pajamas and snow coats in October, right? It was way too cold this week. I have objected. It's made no difference. So tonight we braved the elements, sort of......

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