Saturday, August 3, 2013


Ty struggles with being big; strongly rejecting the idea most days.

I don't say please because big kids say please.

I don't eat my vegetables because big kids eat their vegetables and get bigger. I don't want to be big. Being big is hard.

But then he wants to help cut watermelon, water plants or out of the blue insists it's time to remove training wheels from his bike. Without warning, last night we were doing just that and he was on two wheels before it registered what we were doing. I had handed the camera to Lauren requesting she record the moment and she quipped, "him on the bike or you crying?" Excellent question. What on earth were we doing? My baby is asking to take off on two wheels! Just as I started to give him instructions, Ty quickly jumped off the bike and exclaimed, "wait a minute! I need those wheels or I could fall!" Shew. He was almost too big.
This morning all of my kids were available to join me for an outing to the farmer's market. All of the under twenty crowd quickly lost interest and wandered across the street to a tiny diner for cheap hot dogs.
Entertaining half the restaurant and I do mean literally half the restaurant because it only seats ten is hard work. Look at that face.

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