Monday, July 22, 2013

Weekend Glimpses

Screeching from the kitchen called me to attention. Greg handed Ty a requested drink of water in the red dinosaur cup. Ty likes the blue dinosaur cup. I casually mention this fact to Greg who is standing over our dramatic son with an expression of confusion on his face. The expression quickly changed to the all too familiar raised eyebrow as I exchanged cups. Greg headed back to the boy with a new cup and I quietly stopped him. He requests four ice cubes in his cup because he is four now. It was three just over a week ago. I was met with a questioning stare. We live in chaos. Chaos I have unintentionally created in the name of peace. I choose my battles wisely. They are too frequent and I am out numbered.

As I was walking out the door for bible study last night, my teens were suddenly exchanging words not permitted in our home. One was in tears believing she isn't loved by her sisters. One felt poorly for expressing herself in the heat of the moment and one stood stubbornly by her hatefulness. I didn't go to bible study. Greg and I supported the girls navigating feelings and expressions. At a few intervals we exchanged looks of "how did it come to this?" and "where to do we go from here?" I pray they can find their way back to friendship. It breaks my heart to see them on teams, battling one another. Glimpses of responsibility were noted but we've got a long way to go and I fear our time is running out. I know families where all the adult siblings cannot get along despite efforts of their parents. I pray that isn't our story.

Roommates were changed this weekend. It was our first room change since preparations for the arrival of Ty began. Kate now shares with Lauren. She eliminated the shabby chic bedding as zebra prints were requested instead. Seven year old bedding was washed and donated to a family with young girls; little signs of wear present. I was melancholy transferring it. Time, I want to hold on as long as I can.

Erin and Makenna now share the space upstairs. I wont likely visit often. They are the opposite of Lauren and I as perfectionists. As I said, there are battles I am not willing to engage.

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