Thursday, June 13, 2013


Wednesday evening I invited Greg to join me for one of the last errands of the day. It was time to drop little ones off at VBS. On the way there that it occurred to me that we were going to be alone for a few hours because all of the teens were either at work or with friends. What luck! I suggested dinner out. He proposed parking. WE WERE IN CHURCH! We went to dinner. It was a date. On a Wednesday. We spoke in complete sentences and enjoyed a meal someone else prepared. One of us left a bit disappointed. He really wanted to park.

My little guy loved VBS. The theme was "Hay day" and all things farm related were present. Everyone believed he wore his boots in honor of the theme. VBS was not at our church so most didn't know that boots are worn everyday, regardless of the event. Leadership took it upon themselves to remove the chain from a play size riding tractor to prevent children from riding it off the set. Ty told a few adults his mom could fix that if they had a screwdriver. He pulled Anne aside on Tuesday and showed off the blisters on his hands. He earned them practicing flips on the monkey bars at home. They were painful but by the time he had adults to impress, "they were because I have been working really hard". I love this little man.
He painted this picture by rolling tractors through paint and then rolling the tractor across the paper. He is so proud of the picture that all the magnets need to support it.

Kate's daytime VBS program collects food and personal care items throughout the week for a local food bank. It is always an impressive pile by the week's end but this year, Kate became competitive and insisted on a grocery run for the cause. At first I thought she was just being considerate but then learned the group who contributed the most would get candy on Friday. She's cute.

Lauren discovered last week that one of her co-workers at what Ty calls, "Old MacDonald" is the girl who jumped her at a party in October. Happy days. She's holding her own but wishes the circumstances were better. She likes the atmosphere otherwise. She had a minor incident driving to work the other day. Mom scored "keeping it cool" points and deep breathing exercises were implemented but lessons were learned.
12 month old Karston is spending the summer with us. He's been such a good baby especially with our crazy schedule.

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy that you guys had an unplanned date night! Is it wrong to say that if my hubby asked me to go park, I would have wholeheartedly agreed? Maybe that says way too much about me........
