Thursday, May 16, 2013


Lauren started a random conversation with a request. "Mom, we need to work on something. I want you to repeat after me. No. It's simple. Try it.  Say no." My daughter is hilarious. You see, I find myself in precarious situations often. When sharing with a friend where I was last night, she laughed and said, "that sounds like something you would do". When I also shared that I was suddenly watching two additional children today because I agreed to a play date, she once again laughed....."that sounds like you". I have a hard time saying no. I am probably too nice. Boundaries are something I still struggle to enforce even after reading the book years ago with our young married couples Sunday school class.

Last night I helped a woman I only recently met at church leave her husband. My understanding of the situation was that he struggles with alcoholism and she could no longer condone his choices in front of her children. I didn't ask questions but went to support her. It wasn't until I was on the road that it occurred to me that I didn't know who would be there, what the husband's role would be or even if I would be the only one showing up! So, I called a friend and asked her to pray. I hoped God would protect my naive self because I went into this little adventure with the best of intentions. The husband was not home. I was not the only one there but it was hard. Really hard. We worked to move as much as this family would need to survive physically as quickly as possible. I had to fight tears. I don't even know this family and yet I couldn't help but grieve the brokenness. Those sweet boys were caught up in the excitement of the move without realizing their Daddy was not present. It broke my heart to make their little beds and organize their new space. Four and two years. Too young. My little man idolizes his daddy. All little boys should be so blessed.

Today, I woke grateful for my husband. We don't always see eye to eye and face challenges but we are committed to fighting for our family. It breaks my heart to see so many broken homes. And hear me, I am not judging because I do believe there are circumstances where it is wise for a parent to protect their children. There are times when fighting for your family means someone has to move out for awhile. I am obviously praying this particular couple can see God is bigger than their issues and can pull them through. I pray they can find the strength to be good to one another in their struggles. Those little boys deserve nothing less.

Today, I woke to plans for a play date with a little friend Ty made at the school last fall. His mom texted a few weeks ago that Gavin wanted to see Ty and asked if we could play today. When I asked her this morning what she had in mind, she informed me she would be dropping off both of her children while she went to work. That's some play date.....I tend to think of that as babysitting? I need to work on those boundaries.

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