Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Kate Ryan

She's planning a birthday next month. Eight. She secretly still enjoys playing princess and dress up but won't allow friends to know. They like Monster High dolls. Her mom doesn't. The first of many "but my friends do" disappointments. Her sisters will validate. Growing up is hard. Sometimes she is in a hurry. And at times, she still wants to be small. The mystery of the tooth fairy still inspires but deeper faith questions are emerging too. Kate Ryan. You are incredible.


  1. The second picture of Kate looks like Erin :) Love the pics of Kate and Ty! So sweet:)

  2. She is such a sweet princess and is growing up way too fast!!!

  3. She is beautiful and growing up way too fast!

  4. Oh wow! The black and white one of her running through the field take my breath away.
