Saturday, April 27, 2013


My day started at seven yesterday morning, with constant running until eleven last night. At two pm, I finally pulled through Panera's drive thru for a salad that I less than gracefully inhaled in the parking lot in order to prevent getting the kids in and out of the van ONE. MORE. TIME. My beautiful son told me the salad looked like guts. I ate it anyway.

One of our errands was a stop at the beauty shop for haircuts. Ty, just five weeks ago refused to cooperate and fussed throughout the haircut. Rosie's shop is for girls. Rosie was ready for him yesterday. She presented men's haircut books for Ty to explore. Mr. Big Shot climbed up into the chair and explained he was ready for a big boy haircut. He wanted to look like Justin Bieber. Seriously. Poor brain washed boy.

Throughout our day, he would touch the top of his head and announce his spikes were still there. It doesn't get much cuter. Ah, but it does because I was literally only home for two total hours all day, we stopped for a quick dinner. While waiting in line at Qdoba, little man patted his pocket and announced he didn't bring his money for our date.

Church camp was a blast. A church full of three and four year old kiddos and their parents learning about God, singing and camping provides an awesome ending to a very frantic day. I would have more fun shots but my camera is slowly dying. Lately for every one shot that turns out, twelve are deleted due to fuzzy and dark images. Momma wants to camera shop. Sort of.


  1. LOVE the haircut!! And how cute is he letting you know he didn't have any money for your date? I just love that little guy :)

  2. He looks so dang cute, I just want to bear hug him!!!!
