Thursday, March 14, 2013

Missing her

I finally uploaded photos to create my 2012 Shutterfly family album; a project I tackle every January. Typically. Life's been a bit busy. I ran across photos of the kids with my grandma and spent some time reminiscing. I then wrapped up our first Senior photo order. When I pulled out the notes I had taken last summer pertaining to that order and saw Grandma's request written, I broke down. Tears silently fell for a few minutes. I still can't believe she's gone. I miss her.

The grief hits me at odd times. I never really know when memories will come flooding back. It takes me a second to pull my thoughts out of the sadness when they appear. Anne and I perused an antique warehouse a few weekends ago and one booth contained depression glass. I was instantly taken back to her kitchen as I inhaled the dusty air of that old warehouse; the floral scent of Grandma's house being a sharp contrast. Whereas that home is holding new memories for a young family now, in my mind I can travel there for the briefest of moments. The sadness quickly passes as her smile and laugh interrupt my thought process. She wouldn't want me tearing up over her. I can hear her firm tone letting me know it too.


  1. Love these pictures, what a beautiful lady.

    Grief is like that - waves that crash into us and engulf us and we never know when the next wave is coming at us. Praying for you.

  2. Your grandma was as precious as they come, I would have loved to have kept her for myself! :) With as much as it hurts, let the tears fall, they will be a healing balm to you. When I try to hold it in, it seems that the grief stings even more. I thought so much about my sweet papaw while antiquing today with Jenny. We were both so blessed with wonderful grandparents!
