Sunday, March 24, 2013

Birthday Weekend

Celebrating Erin Saturday carried over into celebrating Greg Sunday; typical for the last 18 years. He's a bit older than her so a nap was requested on his day. Eighteen years ago Greg asked me if I could hold out just a bit longer during labor because he'd love his first child to share his birthday; his barely noted since. I am pretty certain I wasn't polite in my response to his request at 4 am March 23, 1995, although who can recall precisely what was screamed said.
We participated in a local church Easter Egg hunt yesterday with Anne and her kids. It was a fun way to spend a sunny afternoon. The kids had a great time and Ty continues to carry around his bucket full of "egg treasures" today. Mom and Dad joined us before Mom took the older girls out for tea and Ty took Grandpa on a walk through the construction site. We're glad we were able to get some fresh air yesterday as a winter storm is moving into the area today. Ugh. This forecast is not what we needed for Spring Break.

Lauren and Makenna are flying to Florida tomorrow to spend the week with Greg's parents. They are looking forward to the warm weather and sunny skies. Erin's trip to Boston was cancelled so she's planning to relax around the house with friends and at the end of the week, a group anticipates an overnight stay in Nashville. She also hopes to find a new job this week. Her current position with Subway has been challenging. We will be all too glad to have her out of that environment. Now that she is 18, she has more options. By the way, any opportunity she's had to mention she is an adult has been taken, amusing us all. Two hours after waking yesterday she told Ty his life was pretty easy compared to being an adult. She received several messages throughout her day, our favorite being from my 8 year old nephew who wanted to know if she was moving out yet. Theresa must run a tighter ship than me.

1 comment:

  1. With this storm coming in, I am relieved she won't be on the road to Boston, the storm is headed there as well. Her worry wart Aunt Jill can relax, as I was expressing my concern over her traveling on snowy roads during this evenings dinner! :) Hope Lauren and Makenna enjoy some warmth and sunshine, I believe I have forgotten what that is!
