Friday, February 22, 2013


I told Greg that I want to see the movie Safe Haven this weekend with Lauren and she added, "oh, that guy is so cute". I nodded in agreement. Greg shot me a questioning look and I said, "Oh Yes, he is cute". He shrugged a "really?" with scrutinizing eyes and I answered, "yes, you wouldn't want me to lie to you." He decided he could live with a little less truth.

Ty announced to Lauren's friend, Sydney as she got into the van today that his dad farts in his sleep. Once again, a little less truth would be appreciated.

When Erin learned she was getting a spinal tap on Sunday, she asked to be put to sleep for the procedure. The doctor grinned and let her know that wasn't the policy. Erin informed him we'd tip. He chuckled as he walked away from her failed bribe.

I took the little ones to the library today after dropping Lauren off for her internship. Ty found a cozy nook with a Thomas the Train book and magnetic letters. Kate went in search of some art books. She found two. Princess Crafts and How to Draw Insects. Sister is diverse. I think we've found a new Friday morning hangout.

Greg managed the pediatrician visit for the first time. He texted at the 30 minute mark he was not pleased with the wait. Giggle. Welcome to a very small glimpse of my world. Try tackling that chore with a van load of kids who aren't sleeping through the wait like Erin did this time. 

Erin told the doctor on Wednesday she needed to be healthy by Friday because she had tickets to the Luke Bryan concert. Dr. Rezaei said she couldn't make promises but noted that she'd met her mom and knew full and well Erin would not be going if she wasn't back to school that day. Miracle upon miracle....there was sudden healing and Erin returned to school today and is enjoying a concert with friends tonight.

Ty saw a drum set in the window of a second hand store today and declared we needed to buy it. Much to his dismay, we kept driving.

Kate read the Garden Salsa Sun Chips package in the store this week and determined they had to be healthy since they came from a garden.  I wish.

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