Wednesday, February 6, 2013


A mass text went out that said, "if I don't respond to your texts it's because I no longer have my phone. I have used it inappropriately". Hmmm? I was not yet aware of any missteps with the phone. As it turns out, that daughter posted her sister's photo on twitter with the caption, "free to a good home". Can you feel the love?

Erin started her new job on Monday. She is the only Subway employee at this particular location who speaks English. Training is challenging to say the least.

Lauren starts an internship with our hairdresser on Friday. She thinks she may be interested in beauty school after high school. The next ten weeks should enable her to see more of the business so she can make an informed decision. I love this aspect of the Montessori approach to high school. She is maximizing this first of four internships by simultaneously working on one of her three graduation projects. She will be organizing a fair for locks of love in the Spring. Our hairdresser seems excited and willing to aid in that project as well.

Makenna will be performing in the school's musical, "Seussical" in May. She is once again enjoying the stage. We appreciate having a venue to direct her drama. Sister is animated and passionate about many issues.

Lauren insists she needs to attend Brutus' annual vet appointment on Monday because he is her best friend and is getting old. "This vet needs to understand how special he is and how much more care he needs now that he's eight". She doesn't trust Greg to handle this alone anymore.Greg says he's certain the vet is not up for this; neither is he for that matter.

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