Monday, January 21, 2013

Weeds in January

When I was a young mother, I prayed for patience until a more seasoned mom cautioned me, "be careful what you pray for". She was wise. The parenting challenges increased and I learned a lot during that season. Patience is still a virtue I struggle to embrace but along the way, God has faithfully walked me through tests to further increase my self control. Last summer I determined I needed to work on responding rather than reacting. In retrospect, I realize I basically stated I needed more patience. I am a slow learner. The last month and a half or so has been one curve ball after another and I am a mess. It is in the mess though that God can further mold me.

So, respond rather than react is the goal. My van rolled over to 180,000 miles this weekend and celebrated that milestone by groaning during all right turns. It is a unique noise. And not necessarily welcomed. Just as I was describing the noise to Greg, Erin called to report the truck wasn't starting while she was out looking for a job. Like weeds in the lawn in January.....not welcome.

Toney, our favorite plumber has spent quite a bit of time hanging out with us lately. Just as soon as he thinks he has a handle on our water leak, something new presents itself. At this point, jackhammers are inevitable. Bathrooms will be gutted too. My response with each revelation is something along the lines of, "just tell it to me straight, no need to sugar coat it". Poor Toney.

Shelby spent the weekend with us again. She keeps a toothbrush here now and appears to like that fact. We consider her a good luck charm of sorts given how beautiful the weather has been every weekend we've been able to keep her. I think we should move her in. We are ready for Spring! I took her to her uncle's funeral on Sunday and as I left, I drove past a White Castle sign that read, "For Valentine's Day reservations call (phone number I cannot recall)". I laughed until I cried tears of joy at the absurdity of that sign mixed with tears of frustration I also felt toward life in general at that moment.


  1. I am right down the road if you need anything at all.

  2. I think we need our upcoming lunch in a bad way!!!!! Jack hammers??? OH. MY. Just close your eyes and start chanting, "serenity now, serenity now!!!!! "

  3. Anne, tea? Soon?

    Jill, Somehow I think God would laugh at me if in the middle of my patience lesson, I started screaming, "serenity NOW"! The irony has me giggling now. I am looking forward to our lunch. Mommy needs a time out.
