Friday, January 11, 2013

I Am An Athlete

I started seeing a massage therapist who is also an orthopedic nurse and physical therapist over a year ago. She is really affordable and has helped me out immensely. She determined all my knee and hip pain were associated with how hard I walk. Let that sink in a second. How hard I walk? The extent of my hardcore workout is walking in my neighborhood and I messed up my hip and knee doing it. I see her every couple of months now rather than every few weeks and have been able to continue avoiding arthritis medications as a result of her efforts. However, I woke up yesterday feeling stiffness in my lower back. Since I wake up daily with some stiffness in my body, I wasn't alarmed but noted it was a new area for me. As the morning routine wore on I started getting more and more uncomfortable. By late morning I had pain radiating through my thighs and tailbone. It was not comfortable and I conceded to ibuprofen. I couldn't comfortably sit or stand and ended up on the couch with a heating pad, losing an entire day and testing my kids ability to entertain themselves without destroying the house or getting hurt. It was a test in patience. I was racking my brain trying to discern what I could have done to my back. In the end, I remembered sitting on my bedroom floor reading two chapters of a book the night before. I SAT on the floor. Does this mean I have a reading injury? Seriously. This aging process stinks.

1 comment:

  1. Well, it's official. We are both falling apart! LOL! Although I haven't injured myself reading yet, stairs are not my friend. Boy, I can see 40 looming on our horizons....
