Thursday, November 29, 2012

Kate and Ty

While telling Ty the story of Jesus' birth using the nativity yesterday, Kate interrupted to let me know I wasn't telling the whole story. I assured her I was giving enough information for a three year old to understand. She wasn't pleased and told him she'd tell him the "real story" later. Seriously?

Kate had a cold this week. Her eyes were swollen and watery. Her nose ran constantly and she complained of a headache. She was pretty miserable so I allowed a movie in the middle of the day. She chose Santa Buddies. The creators of the "Buddy" movies are marketing geniuses....cute puppies who talk. Kate loves them. I'd like to donate them to the recycling bin. My father in law once offered to have Barney removed from the planet by hiring a hit man. Grandpa needs to sit through this movie and reconsider where to direct those funds.

On the way home from school the other day, we noted a donkey on a local farm. I've seen him in the past but at that moment, he was hanging out by the road, just behind the fence. No one else was on the road so I pulled over to let the kids see him up close. That silly donkey had a lot to say! He hee-hawed and snorted and showed his teeth in such a way that he appeared to be laughing. Ty and Kate were beside themselves with laughter. Ty has since been imitating the sounds he heard that day.  "Let's go see the donkey" is now regularly requested. I do have to wonder though, why would one want to own a donkey? Do they serve a purpose beyond entertaining local children?

Kate mentioned the clean-up fairy today when her brother was not cleaning up after himself. I had forgotten about that fairy. She only visited one time and that was quite awhile ago. Apparently she made an impression on Kate. I may have to find that fairy's cell phone number again soon to encourage a teen or two in this house to pick up after themselves! When the fairy visited she took with her a few trash bags full of personal belongings that didn't get picked up after Mom made numerous requests. Hmmm.......there is a strong chance I will find that number again.

As I was putting Ty in his car seat this afternoon, he asked me if he could drive. I have heard this question a quite a bit lately. I finally asked him if he knew how to drive and he assured me he can do it on Mario Kart.

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