So I had this crazy idea I wanted to use for this year's Christmas cards and today was the day we were going to take the photo. Shutterfly cards are 40% off this week, in case your family is feeling a little more cooperative than mine. Sigh. All of the teens were given two days notice to work on their hair because the good Lord knows I can no longer spring a photo on any of them anymore. Ty apparently did not get the memo and had a meltdown. It was ugly and I honestly considered taking a shot of the meltdown with a sarcastic caption as the Christmas photo but thought better of it when I decided photographing a three year old mid-fit would eliminate my nomination for mother of the year. I am most likely not in the running for that award anyway. Hmm...should have gotten that shot after all. Instead, I snapped this one as soon as the meltdown ended.
Silent night? But seriously, even the dog was prepped and ready for the Christmas card photo! I swear his nails get more attention than mine.
While we were waiting on the teens to finish eliminating what's left of the ozone layer, Kate lost her second front tooth. Perhaps we have a new Christmas card photo idea?
All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth?
Love the toothless grin :) And I vote for the picture of Greg and Brutus to be your christmas card.