Sunday, October 7, 2012

Weekend Review, The Pa-pa Edition

Approximately twelve hours before Pa-pa was due to arrive Friday, Ty started asking me to join him on "Pa-pa watch" out the window. We repeated the conversation every fifteen minutes. All day long. He was a little excited. Not twenty minutes after their arrival, Ty told Pa-pa we were out of suckers. Saturday morning, he mentioned it to Grandma. Saturday afternoon, he was taken to the grocery store for suckers. Two bags. I am not kidding. The boy only had suckers at one point because he had strep throat! I don't consider them essential. Grandma and Grandpa disagreed.
Ty was invited to Grandma and Kate's traditional tea party.  "Oops, Mom we need a towel" and the repeated sound of china hitting the floor noted his participation. Grandma's a good sport. Kate thinks she may have a future as a hairdresser.
Thursday and Friday we were able to keep one of the little guys I watched at school. He is adorable and my kids were rather taken by his sweet disposition. We'd love to keep him frequently.

Karston actually napped on Ty! I don't think I have ever seen him sit this still for this long!
I spent this beautiful fall day driving up I-71, taking in the colorful landscape. It was the communion I needed with God today. Dessert was meeting Kristin in Cincinnati. As a group, we promised to do it more often this year. Our last outing was in January. It isn't easy to get us all together and today was no exception. Jill had to miss to care for her husband who had surgery on Friday and Cherie found herself in the ER last night. Days like this make me wish I lived close enough to have a house full of extra boys so my friends could rest. I miss being there for them.

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