Wednesday, October 10, 2012

I can't turn my back for a second

This morning, I made a hot cup of tea and called Kristin for a sanity check because it had been a rough night. My son has been up more than down the last three nights and I cannot explain why. It is just something he's doing right now. It is not fun and does not make for a very happy mommy in the morning. There are tears, lots of them, mostly his. The kids had taken a view finder projection toy into the laundry room and closed the door so it would be dark enough to see the images. They also play in the laundry room with flashlights. In other words, it is a common thing for them to do and it provided a few minutes of relative peace for me. Kristin and I discussed our current state of crazy and were about to wrap up our conversation when I heard a horrible thud, the sound of the dryer running and both of my younger children screaming. I ran from the living room to the laundry room in the amount of time it took Kate to take three full rotations in the dryer. I frantically opened the dryer door to my hysterical Kate who was pretty banged up but going to be fine. Praise the Lord. I removed Ty from the top of the dryer as he was also screaming uncontrollably. It took awhile for all of us to stop shaking long enough to ask questions. First, my clever husband asked Kate if she was warm and dry yet! I wasn't sure if I wanted to laugh or slug him in that moment. He bravely went back to bed and let me handle the interrogation. As it turns out, Kate was playing in the dryer. Ty closed the door and scaled the dryer with his bare feet so they were able to stick to it as he climbed. He turned the knob and hit the start button. I am still in a state of disbelief. Why? Just Why? Ty swears he will never start the dryer again. I am certain this will be his lifelong ticket out of laundry and his future wife will hate me for it. The "what ifs" have played in my head over and over today. I keep thanking God for His protection. Kate has bruises and abrasions up and down her spine. She is sore but safe. Again, I thank God.


  1. Poor Kate! I thought your FB post this morning was some sort of joke. I am so thankful for God's protection over your family this morning. That could have been much worse. I am surprised you don't drink something stronger that tea.

  2. oh that picture hurst! poor kate. I am so very thankful that she is okay - how very scary!!
