Tuesday, October 2, 2012


A few weeks ago my dad mentioned my upcoming birthday and referenced the big 4-0. Um Dad, I'm turning 39 this year. "Oh, well...close enough", he replied. I suppose. I'll embrace 40, 50 and ultimately, God willing, 80 but for now, I'll savor what's left of my thirties. After all, no matter what my age, I am pretty blessed.
  • I am a little wiser than I was in my twenties, thank God.
  • Each year is defined by milestones. Some years have had an overtone of sadness. Some, pure joy. Mom called to warn me she'd be bringing something special for my birthday this weekend. She discovered Grandma already had a birthday card ready to mail me before she passed in August. I cannot adequately describe how that feels but I will treasure it.
  • I pray God continues to work on me. I am a mess. 
  • I love my family. No matter what life circumstances arise, I am incredibly blessed.
  • I need to slow down and thoroughly enjoy my children. They are growing up much too fast.
  • I have amazing friends. My lifelong girlfriends are gold. Pure gold. My local friends have quickly become as valuable. I recently read you can measure a person's worth by the number of good friends in their lives. I am rich.
  • The ability to relax has become a personal goal. Seriously, I need to get over myself sometimes. 
  • Ty told me his birthday comes before mine and he just turned three so I must be turning six next. I like his math. 
And finally a song I have playing in my head....This life. It really does happen in a blink. I need to slow down.


  1. Happy Birthday sweet friend! LOVE the photo of you - beautiful.

    PS - that song is one of my favorites right now :)

  2. Happy Birthday to the best friend anyone could ever wish for! Enjoy your day and wishing you a very happy year to come! Love, Kristin
