Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Wild Things

After being out of town for three days, my house needed serious attention and the grocery shopping was necessary but I took Kate, Ty and Colby to the zoo instead. Robyn had two free passes that expire at the end of the week and the boys were free. Today was beautiful and the rest of the week is under heat advisories. We made the perfect choice.
We stumbled upon an elephant show. Ty squealed with delight, clapping his hands excitedly with each elephant trick. I enjoyed watching Ty take in the show as much as the show itself. Total cuteness.
Robyn was able to slip away from work to join us for a picnic lunch. Colby was so happy to see his Mommy. She purchased cotton candy as a treat......it was a new experience for all of the kids. When Robyn asked Ty what he thought about it, he cautiously replied, "well, it's blue"!
Speaking of blue.....Ty requested we go see the "big blue vacuum" most every time we're in the van. This has gone on for weeks and we've had no idea what he wanted to see. Tonight I ran through the car wash to knock a few bug skeletons off. On our way out of the bay, Ty asked if we could do it again and called it the "big blue vacuum". One mystery solved.

One more "wild" comment.....Lauren called just hours after arriving at church camp last night to tell me two "hot boys" asked for her number. That was the extent of the information she had to share. We sent her to church camp! Have mercy.

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