Friday, June 15, 2012

Wet and Wild

The text said, "we're headed out to play in water. You and the kids are welcome" so we lathered on the sunscreen and headed out. It was 90 degrees so promises of water were the only way we were going out! It was Ty's first exposure to a sprinkler and Kate's first time on a slip and slide. Both were awesome. I not so lovingly refer to our water as liquid gold and refuse to invest it on playtime since our monthly bill is $200+ with timed showers, no lawn watering, no flowers, no car washes, etc.... We were really happy to accept the invitation.
Bet you can't guess where he's headed with that slide!
At bedtime tonight, Ty started talking about his day. This is part of our routine and he loves the one-on-one time almost as much as I do. He talked about playing in the water at Anne's house, hitting balls with his bat, etc....and then started talking about catching a "big fat toad" and throwing it in the field. Next was a story about catching a snake and getting his hands dirty so he put it on a rock. The final story had him catching a train and putting it back on the track by the tunnel! This was the first time he made up stories and it was challenging to keep a straight face. I love active imaginations. Yesterday, Greg mentioned something got a hold of a bird in our yard because he saw a pile of feathers. Kate saw the same pile and insists it's a pile of bear fur. Makenna at age three used to hunt for bears with her flashlight in our bathroom! One would think we lived in the wild somewhere.....we do, but our wild factor is all in the two legged form!
I could not believe he got out of the house looking like this but couldn't resist a photo anyway!

On a much sweeter note, a friend's four year old niece had her appendix rupture on Wednesday. She is one very sick little girl. Candy sent me a photo text today of Hailey after they successfully removed the vent, ahead of schedule. Ty saw the picture and asked about it so I told him she was a sick baby and we needed to pray for her. He didn't say anything more this morning but at bedtime he asked to see the picture again and then asked me if God made her better yet. I was blown away. We've not exposed him to anything so serious before and hadn't intended to today, but it appears he understood. Childlike faith.

1 comment:

  1. That last little story is so sweet - love that little boy of yours!
    Thanks for coming over to play - we had fun! That pic you got of Kate on the slip n slide is great and all the pics of the kids eating watermelon are super cute!
