Friday, April 27, 2012

The boys....

Aiden arrived in a pillow case turned superhero cape this week. Greg and Ty dressed accordingly which prompted me to google "superhero capes". Another trip to the fabric store.....

Ty thinks the object of the game is to fill the grid and he does it over and over.....keeps him busy so I like this game.

There were a few days this week that required chocolate. Ty agreed.

Not exactly the point to the train tub but once again, he's busy so I can live with it!

Ty loves this little bike so much, he rides it all of the time. It even comes into the house now that our living areas have hard floors and not carpeting. I have a love hate relationship going with those new floors. The love factor = they are so easily cleaned. The hate factor = they ALWAYS need cleaned.

These two are like brothers....Colby follows and imitates most everything Ty does. His parents are forgiving people.

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