Thursday, March 1, 2012


Colby's back and ready to eat cupcakes.....

We got him back on Tuesday and took him to the library to play. He was all over the place, climbing, rearranging and exploring. It was good to see him healthy and strong. As we were wrapping up our outing, another mom told her child to use his inside voice. Colby yelled at her at the top of his! He's back! I didn't stifle my giggle and just enjoyed the moment.

Our little guests are getting big enough to be considering their forever homes. At this point, they are each eating a can of formula per day and working on puppy chow. They are chewing on everything but can't yet do any damage. They are spirited and fun but busy. Lauren is the only one holding out hope that we will keep them. Everyone else is over it. Ty is still rather taken by Mia and continues to call her his princess. He may be on Lauren's team but neither are old enough to vote.

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