Wednesday, January 25, 2012

His Pa-Pa's House

Monday night I took my little guy to Ohio because a friend needed some support as she faced a biopsy on Tuesday morning. Ty could hardly contain his excitement as we prepared for our mini trip. He quickly grabbed his dinosaur shirt and his frog boots and declared he was ready to go! I added a few more items to the bag, just in case the shirt and boots wouldn't quite cover 24 hours.

Kristin and her mom kept Ty while I was at the hospital with my friend. We both wish we lived close enough to have play dates more often.
God is Good......
So I begged God to spare my friend the ordeal we feared she faced. Two mammograms and an ultrasound showed four nasty cysts that the radiologist believed needed biopsied. I literally prayed for God to take this away from her unless He was going to in some way use this to draw her closer to Him. I just couldn't see her going through cancer. The procedure was supposed to last a minimum of two hours but in just over an hour, she emerged with grateful tears in her eyes. As the fluid inside the cysts was being aspirated, the cysts literally vanished before their eyes....all four of them. The fluid was clear and left absolutely no reason to be concerned. Yes, God is good.

1 comment:

  1. That first pic of Ty is precious! So glad that everything turned out okay with your friend - God is good!
