Thursday, November 10, 2011

Adventures with Daddy

Little Man will be going through serious withdrawals once Greg returns to work next week. A relaxing vacation at home was the perfect option this year........

 Construction has started on a second house across the street from us. With beautiful weather and Greg at home, we've enjoyed watching Ty observe the process. Any chance we get to see the "loud bulldozer truck" is taken.

I have almost stepped on that little snake twice in the last couple of months. He likes the garage. He is not big enough to do much damage but I still don't want to step on him. Greg tossed him into the field out back after allowing Ty an up close and personal exploration. For a tiny snake, he has big attitude and cracks me up when he coils and hisses as though he is a serious threat. A baby mouse would likely laugh too but someday he will be a big snake and I prefer he relocate prior to that!


  1. Aw, I love those pictures of Ty and Greg - he is such a good daddy!

    Now, about that snake...really didn't need to be reminded that they live around here, I like living in my little world of denial :) And where is the picture of you holding it?

  2. Anne, I am brave from a distance! I didn't even take the photos!
